1. Describe what Paradoja Studios means to you.
- Paradoja means the world to me. I was never given a chance before paradoja (probably cause I'm a little out of my mind) but, Mike saw that and embraced it. Now I have a collective brotherhood that I would give everything to.
2. How long have you been a member of the Paradoja family?
- Since paradoja zero or the crat pack.
3. What sets Paradoja Studios apart from other groups?
- The family and the madness. A lot of theater companies treat shows like work we treat it like we are all family. I've been around the so called professionals and they just don't have the fun we have.
4. What has it been like to see Paradoja Studios grow, develop and change over the past few years?
- We've seen it grow so much we were a handful of people putting on the first two shows. Now, we are like a full blown paradoja island of misfits . Watching all this talent come in and perform with us and enjoy themselves just shows that clearly we are going in the right direction.
5. What have you learned from Paradoja so far?
- To believe in myself when others refuse to.
6. What is the rehearsal/meeting process like?
- It's a party where we always get work done and make every show crazy.
7. How did you get started with Paradoja?
- Mike Pagano asked me to!
8. Are you a member of the cast or crew?
- Crew
9. If you look back to when you first joined Paradoja, do you think Paradoja Studios turned in to what you thought it was going to?
- No, it has become more than any of us could of imagined. Who knew that we would still be going this strong, years after Mike, Frankie and I left high school. This is like our haven and it keeps growing.
10. What do you think of Mike Pagano? What have you learned from him personally and professionally?
-There are no words that I can actually say that would give justice to what Mike has done for me. Him and his family really have made my life better in everyway. I don't think I'd be the person you see today without the Paganos I love them all from the bottom of my heart.